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From the Desk Of Managing Partner

Health as per WHO definition is a complete state of physical, mental & social well-being, not merely an absence of disease or infirmity.

Health & Wellness are one of the important parameters in nation building as well as prosperity of society. GNH as a Small Health Care Organization amidst corporate styled multi speciality hospitals stresses the importance of both preventive as well as curative aspects of healthcare. A healthy mind in a healthy body in a healthy society makes a healthy nation.

In the age of modernization & information technology, there is ubiquitous mechanization evident. As a healthcare service provider, we in GNH believe in providing care with compassion. Jai Hind !

Dr.Naba Krishna Gohain

Operational Videos

Our Departments

The specialty dealing with injuries & diseases of musculoskeletal system which encompasses the bones,joints,muscles,tendons,ligaments & peripheral nerves of the human body.
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Deals with maternity healthcare including childbirth as well as diseases of female reproductive system
Internal Medicine
Deals with medical management of basic systems of human body
Deals with the health care of neonate,infant,toddler & school going child
Deals with surgical intervention of medical conditions
Diagnostic Laboratory & Imaging
Deals with investigations ranging from blood tests to latest modalities of imaging such as Digital X-ray, 4D USG & others

Dr Naba Krishna Gohain

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